Saturday 21 June 2014

End of Year 2

Good afternoon! Hope your not sweating from this silly heat-but-no-sun weather!

Well today I thought I'd give you a little insight into my University Degree that i'm currently studying. Last night it was our end of year show, that finished off the second year of my Fashion degree. It's crazy how quickly it has all gone! (too crazy.. i have to get a proper job next year! what!?) 

I worked my butt off this year! There were tears, stress and tantrums.. (ha!) But I've finished this year with the best grade I could of wished for! *beaming smile* Studying fashion has been the first thing I've excelled in, throughout school and sixth form I was an average student, I never found anything that I was super talented in. So when I started to get pretty high grades in my University modules I became so proud of myself for achieving something that I loved doing. It finally felt like I had found where my talent was. Tiny bit of advice for you all, keep trying and trying! Don't give up with anything thats important to you!

Next year is my final year collection, and the dreaded... dissertation (dun dun... dun)
I am so excited and ridiculously nervous to start next year, third years can be a real adventure. I want to create something that I enjoy doing, that shows my personality and that I can be proud of. 
Wish me luck!

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